Thursday, 1 December 2011

Car driving tips

Do you start up the car and then put your seat-belt on? I do it the other way round since reading this tip a few years ago. It's only a few seconds difference but these things add up. So the way to go is to clip yourself in and then start the car and drive away. Leaving it to idle for a while doesn't help.
Did you know that a car is most efficient when it's hot? That is, it uses least fuel when it is up to normal running temperature. This understanding can lead to a bit of fuel (i.e. money!) saving if we build it into our driving routine.

The routine is: do any manoeuvering such as reversing into a parking space at the end of the trip when the engine is hot, not at the beginning of a journey when the engine is cold. Personally, I find this easier for parking in the drive, too. When I'm in the road I can see when it's clear to reverse into the drive and can then drive out forwards. If I did it the other way round I'd be trying to reverse into a possible stream of traffic with the whole of the car behind me obstructing my view. Just my view...


  1. Good tips, however I am still scared of driving. I lost control over the car once and had a terrible crash.


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